A Poetry Podcast is an interactive show that allows you to discover and enjoy the best of the best in poetry. These shows feature a wide variety of writers and poets from all over the world. The format is designed to be accessible to everyone. It also uses soundscapes and atmospheric compositions to enhance each reading. Whether you are a long time poetry lover or just starting out, there is a show for you.
In addition to the standard poetry podcast, there are a number of other podcasts to choose from. If you are looking for something more in depth, you might want to check out a library podcast. This show is hosted by a passionate group of poetry lovers and offers a wide variety of discussions on the craft of writing and the poets behind their work. They do it in a way that is entertaining and genuinely interesting.
A Poetry podcast may not be as frequent as a library podcast, but it has some great content. You will be able to get a taste of the best of the best in poems, from classical to contemporary. Moreover, it will also enable you to get to know the people behind the words.
The New Yorker’s poetry podcast is an excellent example of how the magazine’s print and online products come together. Each week, a different guest reads a poem from the New Yorker’s archives. Often, they’ll even discuss the process. What makes this podcast unique is that it has an aura of authenticity to it, in the sense that the readers are real people and not scripted.
One of the most intriguing aspects of a Poetry Podcast is that it gives you the opportunity to learn about the lives of the poets. These conversations often cover the poets’ childhoods, their inspirations and their influences. By providing a glimpse into their lives, it helps you appreciate their work.
The VS (the podcasts ) is a bi-weekly series hosted by two modern day poets, Franny Choi and Danez Smith. It’s not a big show, but it is a little bit of everything. From readings of classic poems to interviews with authors, you can listen to this show for hours and never get bored.
The Poetry Translation Centre’s podcast is another excellent way to hear the best of the best in poetry. In addition to showcasing some of the world’s finest poets, the centre also provides an excellent collection of spoken word pieces.
The Poets podcast is a fun way to get a feel for the lives of some of the world’s greatest poets. While it’s not as frequently updated as some other podcasts, it’s a solid way to get acquainted with the poetry that’s made a difference in our world. With a hefty collection of poetry and a team that loves it as much as you, this show is a must-listen.
A Poem a Day is a great podcast to listen to in the morning before you go to work. With poems from around the world, this is a fantastic place to start your morning.